Understanding The Aikido of Saotome Shihan – Multi Day Intensives
Annual Multi Day Aikido Intensives
with George Ledyard Sensei, Aikido 7th Dan and 40 year direct student of Saotome Shihan
and other direct students of Saotome Shihan
With the goal of preserving and transmitting the Aikido of his teacher, Mitsugi Saotome Shihan, George Ledyard Sensei, 7th Dan, has developed several blocks of instruction focusing on particular aspects of what he believes makes Saotome Sensei’s Aikido so exceptional.
Initially, we will have three four day Aikido intensives focusing on, Saotome Sensei’s Aikido Sword, on Aikido multiple attacker work (randori), and Body / Mind Principles in Aikido empty hand practice.
These intensives will be held annually and will rotate each year between Aikido Eastside (just outside of Seattle), Bushinkan Dojo in Nashville, and Shindai Aikikai in Orlando.
In addition, Chetan Prakash Sensei of Aikido of Redlands will co-teach the 4-Day Sword Intensive in 2016.

Josh Drachman Sensei, Aikido 6th Dan, will co-teach the 2016 Body / Mind Principles 4-Day in Orlando.

These intensives are instructor level seminars but are open to non-yudansha by permission of the instructor. Aikido students of all styles and affiliations are welcome.